
e·em she·her they·them

Hiiiiiiii 👋

I'm Solstice, a psuedonymous creature roaming around the internet! My name isn't actually Solstice, it's  solsdeez , but that's private and you shouldn't know about things that are private, my mom told me.

Wanna talk? I'm on so many platforms! Pick one:


so erm. what are you gonna write on this website?

...guess it's all going to be me trying to talk about myself, then.

I like alot of things. That doesn't neccesarily mean I'm also good at alot of things; to my knowledge I'm only good at the following:

  1. Talking too much
  2. Listening to music
  3. Smacking my keyboard and pretend-coding
  4. erm,,
  5. I'm into hardware
  6. and I can't think of anything else
  7. so that's about it
  8. OH and I sometimes do art!

What in the world's keeping you so busy?

wahaa, you waited a long time to ask that question, didn't you!


Anyways, I'm currently working on gathering a team (or convincing myself to work alone) for something called Project Chryssa. It's really cool (to me), and I feel like it could nudge the information technology realm into being more cooperative, albeit by sacrifising archaic backwards compatibility. though, I'm pretty sure no one needs a good chunk of that anyway. "Legacy UEFI plug and play anyone?"

The only thing that's stopping me from releasing Project Chryssa to the public is time, and it's going to take alot of that too. Maybe I won't be around by the time it works for the first time, atleast I tried :P

What are you? (mental health edition)

I'm a non-allosexual heteroromantic transfeminine poc sitting in eir parents' apartment wondering what neopronoun e wants to try on today, not looking androgynous in any way. That, may say alot about my irl identity, but fun fact: I still am *not* outed in real life :)

I also have alot of mental instability. The reason why this page reads childishly is because I'm trying to to cover up alot of my anxiety and perfectionism by intentionally being unreasonable with my language. Otherwise I'd turn this page into a poem. and that would take a lot of time.

Why do you exist?

Actually, I'm not even sure if I do. But then, why do we all exist?

Humm, humm 🖤